For Trainers For Athletes
Introducing Plank Slides

Anytime we introduce advanced plank progressions, we want to be mindful to keep the hips locked in. This goes for plank slides, plank reaches, plank transfers, and even renegade rows. The list is endless. The goal is to keep the core and the rest of the body locked in, with zero twisting, turning, shifting, leaning, etc. as the arms/legs create movement that the core stabilizes and supports. Take a look at the video to see what I mean. You’ll see that there’s no movement at the hips and core, but great reach from the shoulder. You’re looking for form that’s completely locked in in one place, loose and flowy at another.

Plank Slides Help Prep for Amazing Workouts

It’s a great way to get some legit core work in, but as I started to mention in the video before being cut off, it’s one of my favorite ways to get ready for overhead pressing. When we overhead press we need a strong stable core to base out on, while at the same time some smooth scapula flow going overhead. This helps develop that combo quality so that when we go lift, we’re safe and ready to crush.

Another note for trainers and PTs: the plank slide is the first progression off of a plank for me. I choose this before plank reaches or plank transfers because the sliding arm is pressed into the ground. Therefore, there’s not as much of an anti-rotation component since you still have ground contact on the working side. Start here, then progress to a reach, then transfers. Know what I mean?

Have advice or have a question? Be sure to let me know in the comments.